Online Games Design update!

Vocabmix Yoruba

Last week, all the pages from the home page to the online games underwent a design update, some more major than others!

In the earlier post announcing the Yoruba version of Vocabmix, I mentioned that Naijabranch has had a bit of a revamp, not least the addition of a dedicated mobile site.

After getting feedback (some of it here) about Vocabmix (Yoruba) I made some changes to the puzzle and also decided to give the whole website (including the mobile site) another makeover. Most of the changes involved page backgrounds

Shapeymix Nigeria before
Shapeymix (Nigeria)  Before

Shapeymix Nigeria after
Shapeymix (Nigeria)  Now!

The de-cluttering of buttons was an additional focus for the Vocabmix games.

Vocabmix Yoruba before

Vocabmix (Yoruba) Before

Vocabmix Yoruba after

Vocabmix (Yoruba) Now!

If you are using the Chrome mobile browser,  you'll also notice that the title bar has a new chocolate colour!

The blog also got a slight makeover (fewer header links).

Hope you like the updated site!

New Naijabranch homepage

New Home Page 

Your feedback is important because it helps to know what is and isn't working. Keep it coming and I just may make that change based on the feedback you provide!

Remember to keep using the Nigerian games to build and learn!


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